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Thursday, October 3, 2013

Glory in Luke 22

Edward F. Lundwall, Jr.

Meditations on Luke 22 – Part I

The word glory has many uses, all of which indicate obviously great value. Those who possess it have a condition of great value, but the generic value of glory is found only in what it describes. The dictionary defines glory as "The condition of highest achievement, splendor, prosperity…" I define glory as "Being obviously worthwhile!"

Luke 22 is logically a poor chapter to inspire thinking about glory as it relates so much anguish: The manipulation of Judas, the last Passover Jesus would spend with his disciples, Jesus explanation of his imminent death, the selfish ambition and misunderstanding of his closest friends, the agony of relinquishment on the Mount of Olives, the betrayal and violence of his arrest, the mockery and torture of Jesus' illegal trials, and Peter's denials. What glory is shown here? What accomplishments that conveys good feelings or positive worth? This description of the Lord Jesus’ last farewell to those personally closest to him, key figures in whole program of redemption, only leaves the casual reader disheartened.

However, when Luke 22 is examined more carefully, glory resides within its every detail. It portrays the intense emotional and mental sacrifice experienced by Jesus prior to his physical sacrifice in crucifixion, the anticipatory emotional struggle of intentionally choosing to suffer for sake of our salvation…something that Jesus thought of “being obviously worthwhile.”


  1. Ed, thank you for this wonderful meditation. Very inspiring. I enjoy reading all your writings.

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